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Couverture de Search for the Hidden Throne

Search for the Hidden Throne

De : Phyllis Wheeler
Lu par : Keith A. Robinson
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    A missing time-traveler. An evil alchemist. Can eleven-year-olds Jake and Ava rescue Will from him – before it’s too late? Jake opens his front door to his mentor. The helpful Swiss alchemist bears bad news: Jake’s teenage time-travel friend, Will, is missing.

    Oh, no! Jake and his twin Ava go to the Guardians of Time Guild headquarters to look for Will. After an unsettling wait in 1529 Vienna at Headquarters, the twins learn that Will has been kidnapped.

    Jake and Ava are rookies. They’ve brought along their little cousin, their babysitting charge for the summer, and they have to keep her safe. How can they even figure out how to make the Headquarters time machine work? And now, cannonballs are falling! It’s the Siege of Vienna!

    A family-friendly action-adventure for ages 8-11, Book 3 in Phyllis Wheeler’s Guardians of Time series. The best in Christian stories for kids! Books 1 and 2 were both named finalists for the prestigious Selah Award for Christian Fiction.

    ©2024 Phyllis Wheeler (P)2024 Phyllis Wheeler

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