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Couverture de Seabreeze Wedding

Seabreeze Wedding

De : Jan Moran
Lu par : Erin Bennett
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    The high summer season. A long-awaited wedding. Surprises at a historic beach inn.

    A USA Today best seller.

    At the historic Seabreeze Inn, sisters Ivy and Shelly Bay are busy with wedding plans of their own, although challenges threaten to derail the special events. New guests are also throwing a wedding at the inn, bringing a host of trials and chaos. As Ivy prepares the old beach house for a season of weddings, surprising discoveries from decades past arise. RSVP now and join the party on the beach.

    Seabreeze Wedding is the fifth novel in the beloved Summer Beach series and may listened to as a stand-alone. This heartwarming story is set on the sunny California coast. Visit the small town of Summer Beach now, where the bonds of friendship and love prove unbreakable.

    More than 5,000 five-star reviews on Amazon and Goodreads!

    Series Order

    Seabreeze Inn
    Seabreeze Summer
    Seabreeze Sunset
    Seabreeze Christmas
    Seabreeze Wedding
    Seabreeze Book Club
    Coral Cottage
    Coral Cafe
    Coral Holiday

    ©2021 Jan Moran (P)2021 Jan Moran


    "An enjoyable, lovely read to lift your spirits. A light, breezy read, old houses, and characters with secrets...." (Silver's Reviews)

    "An entertaining beach read that offers multi-generational context and humor." (InD'Tale Magazine)

    "A novel that gives fans of romantic sagas a compelling voice to follow." (Booklist)

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