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Couverture de Seabreeze Book Club

Seabreeze Book Club

De : Jan Moran
Lu par : Erin Bennett
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    A bookshop on the beach. A sizzling summer ahead. Join a new book club at the Seabreeze Inn.

    From a USA Today best-selling author.

    When sisters Ivy and Shelly Bay form a book club to help support a local bookshop on the beach, friends and guests of the old beach house inn are eager to join, although one new member harbors a potentially devastating secret. Meanwhile, a discovery in the historic beach house inn brings the past to light, and recently widowed Ivy grapples with the idea of a new marriage. But when a threat arises during a book club meeting that could impact the entire beach community, members pull together, proving that the bonds of family and friendship are more important than ever in Summer Beach.

    Discover the latest chapter in the Summer Beach series set on sunny California shores, and find out why fans say, “Life is better in Summer Beach".

    ©2021 Jan Moran (P)2021 Jan Moran


    “Seabreeze Inn is truly an enjoyable, lovely read that will lift your spirits. If you enjoy a light, breezy read, old houses, and characters with secrets, you will want to add this book to your TBR. Art lovers will also enjoy this book that slips in a little romance.” (Silver’s Reviews)

    "A fun read that grabs you at the start.” (Tina Sloan, author and award-winning actress)

    “A wonderful story that is great at any time of the year. Will make you feel like the sea breeze is streaming through your hair.” (Laura Bradbury, best-selling author, My Grape Year)

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