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Couverture de Sea of Ice

Sea of Ice

De : John Cressman
Lu par : J.S. Arquin
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    For centuries, the wizards of the north have pretended to be gods. They call themselves Odin, Thor, and more but Gage knows they are only men—men with magic who oppress those without it. But that time is coming to an end.

    Gage has been joined by a new companion from Earth with her own unique and powerful magic. With her help, he must travel to Asgard, cross the rainbow bridge, and kill the leader of the so-called gods—Odin.

    But there’s a problem—there always is—and it’s a big problem. A very big problem. There’s an enormous snake-like creature guarding the rainbow bridge called Jormungandr.

    Gage might be the world’s greatest assassin, but it will take every bit of his skill and cunning to make it over the rainbow bridge and to the throne room of Odin to end the gods’ tyrannical reign.

    ©2022 John Elijah Cressman (P)2022 John Elijah Cressman

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