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Couverture de Scottsdale Scorcher

Scottsdale Scorcher

De : B.A. Trimmer
Lu par : Lily Harmon
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    Laura Black just wants to pay her rent, find the perfect boyfriend, and save the world!

    In this new thrilling romantic mystery, Scottsdale's favorite investigator has teamed up with Mistress McNasty to hunt for a lost client. Unfortunately, Laura's enemies are searching for her, and if they find her, the results won't be pretty.

    There's also someone starting fires and leaving dead bodies. Lurking in the background is Carlos the Butcher and his vicious gang of drug smugglers.

    Laura will need to work hard to stay out of their way. As always, Laura is helped out by her best friend Sophie and former cop Gina Rondinelli. Together, they'll solve the mystery and save the day, even if it kills them.

    To add to the craziness, Laura's boyfriend Jack Reno has started talking about getting serious, but the gorgeous and dangerous crime lieutenant Maximillian also wants a romantic relationship. Laura finally makes up her mind about the man she wants to be with - unfortunately, love is never quite that easy.

    With equal parts humor, action, and mystery, and set in the glamorous resort town of Scottsdale, Arizona, Scottsdale Scorcher is perfect for a day at the beach or a night curled up by the fire.

    ©2016 B.A. Trimmer (P)2020 B.A. Trimmer

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