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Couverture de Scientifically Speaking

Scientifically Speaking

De : Jo Filshie Browning
Lu par : Jo Filshie Browning, Timothy Bond
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    Now more than ever, the scientific and medical community is under the microscope and in front of the media. Science matters, and in a post-truth world it’s more important than ever for scientists and physicians to be heard.

    But there’s a challenge. To get people to listen, you can’t communicate in writing alone anymore. You need to speak up and be seen—onstage, online, and on camera. To do this well you need to master the art of influential speaking, which is something you weren’t taught at university or medical school.

    This book teaches you how to become a compelling scientific speaker so that you can put your message across with confidence and clarity, both online and in person. It’s written by a speaking coach with 25 years of experience in science communications.

    Part One shows how speaking can help you to win the war of attention, benefiting both your field and your career.

    Part Two explains how to craft your scientific message in a way that connects with your audience and achieves your goal (including how to be memorable, handle the Q&A, and communicate risk).

    Part Three gives you a tool kit for speaking with energy and conviction in all types of situations. These include virtual channels, which are particularly important in the post-COVID era.

    Jo Browning is the founder and managing director of Filshie Browning Associates, and its principle consultant. She has 25 years of experience in verbal communication skills, and helps scientists and physicians to improve their content, competence, and confidence, so that they can communicate with impact and authority. This enables them to enhance their reputations and build more effective relationships with both their peers and others.

    ©2021 Jo Filshie Browning (P)2023 Joe Filshie Browning


    Business Book Awards 2022 Shortlisted Title

    "A must-[listen] for anyone who is passionate about their research; who wants to communicate complex information effectively; who cares about securing grant funding or investment, or who cares about advancing their research is engaging, direct and highly effective. I cannot recommend it highly enough." (Vivek Muthu, physician and health and life sciences consultant, former managing director, Economist Intelligence Unit Healthcare)

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