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  • Schools for Scandal

  • The Dysfunctional Marriage of Division I Sports and Higher Education (Sports and American Culture)
  • De : Sheldon Anderson
  • Lu par : Marlin May
  • Durée : 11 h et 24 min

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Schools for Scandal

De : Sheldon Anderson
Lu par : Marlin May
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    For well over a century, big-time college sports has functioned as a business enterprise, one that serves to undermine the mission of institutions of higher education.

    This book chronicles the long and tortured history of the NCAA's attempt to maintain the myth of amateurism and the student-athlete, along with the attendant fiction that the players academic achievement is the top priority of Division-I athletic programs. It is an indictment of the current system, making the case that big-time college sports cannot continue its connection to universities without undermining the mission of higher education. It concludes with bold proposals to separate big-time college sports from the university, transforming them into on-campus business operations.

    The book is published University of Missouri Press. The audiobook is published by University Press Audiobooks.

    ©2024 The Curators of the University of Missouri (P)2024 Redwood Audiobooks


    "So well does Schools for Scandals make its points that at times the reader is left dumbstruck by the sheer hubris by those controlling college athletics." (Chris Elzey, George Mason University)

    "An extraordinarily honest and compelling book...essential reading." (David K. Wiggins, author of More than a Game)

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