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Schizophrenic Christianity

De : Michael G. Filippi Sr.
Lu par : Michael G. Filippi Sr.
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Why is it that so many Christians are “stuck” and have been for so long?

Why is it they can’t seem to grow, mature, or see forward progress in their walk with the Lord?

The answer is simple: many of us hold wrong beliefs which can lead to frustration and defeat. “Know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Here are five key truths that can make a massive difference:

  1. Sin has been defeated on the cross.
  2. The old man was crucified and has been put off.
  3. We have been crucified with Christ.
  4. We no longer have a sin nature.
  5. We are now saints who love the Lord and hate sin.

We find victory and maturity when we believe and walk in these truths. Jesus has done it all through the finished work of the cross. Now, our job is to humble ourselves and believe that Jesus did all the work already, resist the lie of the enemy that tells us it’s up to us, and rest in his finished work. The battle belongs to the Lord.

In this audiobook, we will dig into these truths and so much more as we dismantle the false teachings that keep believers in bondage and defeat. Primary among them is the idea that we still have a "sin nature", and it is our job to conquer sin and walk in holiness; a devastating lie from the enemy. We have been made new, and the sin nature has been crucified. We were sinners, and we were saved by grace, but we are not sinners any longer. We are saints! We will unwrap the beautiful, life-changing gifts given to us through the finished work of the cross by our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. It's time to really understand our identity in Christ and the power and freedom contained in the true Gospel of Grace as taught by the Apostle Paul.

Buckle up, young Padawan; it's going to be a great ride!

©2021 Michael G. Filippi, Sr. (P)2021 Michael G. Filippi, Sr.
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