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Couverture de Scattered Plume

Scattered Plume

De : J.M. Miller
Lu par : Amelia Hugh
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    In the wake of death and betrayal, Vala flees the island of Garlin with Xavyn in search of the truth about her identity.

    To find the answers they seek, they must first cross The Divide - a mass of cloud and fog that has separated human lands from the rest of the world for hundreds of years. As they pass through what is meant to kill all who draw near, a surge of magic emerges, bringing death to some and more power to others. In turn, The Divide is weakened, the fog dissolving enough to reveal what lies beyond, reigniting thoughts of war between sides.

    But the imminent collapse of The Divide isn’t the only thing concerning Vala and Xavyn. They discover what Vala needs the most is also what the Islain queen had been searching for - a feather. Not only could it help prevent war, it could restore Vala’s immortality despite all she has forgotten. Though there are others also searching, waiting for magic to return, prepared to risk it all for the same immortal goal.

    ©2018 J.M. Miller (P)2021 J.M. Miller

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