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  • Scared to Life

  • Tales of a Good God Who Reveals His Heart When Ours Is Racing
  • De : Ryan George
  • Lu par : Ryan George
  • Durée : 5 h et 56 min

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Scared to Life

De : Ryan George
Lu par : Ryan George
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    If you long for a life of adventure, it's available to you. If you wish your life was part of a grand story, it can be. If you're tired of comparing your life to your Instagram scroll, there's a way out. There's a path to more.

    In Scared to Life, Ryan leverages tales of adventure to address our comparison culture, the ache we feel that the stories of our lives aren't enough, and the suspicion that there's more to the Christian journey than what we've experienced. Jesus designed all of life to be a grand, mysterious adventure. In these lines, Ryan offers practical suggestions for living an ordinary life in an extraordinary way.

    That won't be easy, and sometimes, it will look different than we imagined it. But it can be good, rich, fulfilling, and cathartic. Adventure often costs us something, but it calls out to something deep inside us. If we want a faith life that draws out the best in us and attracts others to join us, we must lean into our fears and doubts.

    Ryan George visited all seven continents and both polar circles, searching for meaning, acceptance, contentment, and recognition. As he ran from pain, regret, and insecurity, he chased diverse adrenaline rushes and social media affirmation. What he actually found was a God with new definitions for words like life, success, and adventure. Despite decades in the church, his faith became real and alive in contexts far from Sunday services. As you'll listen in these stories, Ryan has encountered the way of Jesus in exciting and precarious situations that demonstrated how to bring new adventure to seemingly mundane places and experiences of his daily life.

    ©2021 Ryan George (P)2021 Ryan George

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