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Couverture de Savoring Christmas

Savoring Christmas

De : Shanna Hatfield
Lu par : Luke Andreen
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    He’s a former rodeo star who gave up his career to run the family ranch. She’s an aspiring chef with a food truck, a dream, and no interest in another man coming along to ruin her plans.

    Troy Lucas walked away from his winning rodeo career to run the family ranch after the death of his grandfather. Now being a rancher, a farrier, and even team roping just for fun can’t seem to keep him satisfied. He didn’t think he’d miss his glory days in the rodeo when he came back home—in fact, there’s nowhere else he’d rather be. Still, he can’t deny the hole inside that keeps reminding him he’s longing for something...more.

    Chef Lark Gibson has only one thing on her mind: opening a restaurant in Portland. Until that day comes, Lark will take her food truck to as many events as possible and make sure her customers are always begging for more. The last thing she expected was to find herself distracted by a knight in dusty Wranglers, until a handsome cowboy comes to her rescue and catches her off-guard. Will the approaching Christmas season lead this hungry cowboy and ambitious chef to realize that what they think they want isn’t what they really need? Find out in Savoring Christmas, a sweet romance full of humor, heart, and holiday fun.

    ©2022 Shanna Hatfield (P)2023 Shanna Hatfield

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