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Couverture de Saved


De : Nancy Guthrie
Lu par : Nancy Guthrie
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    Nancy Guthrie Presents a Theologically Rich and Comprehensive Guide through the Book of Acts

    The book of Acts is set within the larger story of the outworking of God's plan to save for himself a people from every nation—the story that runs from Genesis to Revelation. Within its pages are dramatic accounts of the Spirit falling, the apostles' preaching, conflict with Jewish opposition to welcoming in the Gentiles, and the invasion of the good news of King Jesus into the Roman Empire.

    In Saved, bestselling author Nancy Guthrie provides an accessible, theologically sound guide to the book of Acts. Over 17 chapters, she invites listeners to peer into the lives of the apostles in the days following the resurrection and ascension of Jesus as they experienced new power from the indwelling Holy Spirit and a new understanding of the Old Testament scriptures. With a friendly and engaging tone, Saved covers the entire book of Acts, providing a solid and accessible study resource for individuals and groups. Additional Saved resources are available separately, including a personal Bible study, a leader's guide for group study, and a companion video series.

    • Comprehensive: Covers the entire book of Acts in 17 short engaging chapters, with personal application for listeners
    • Context: Connects the events of the resurrection, the ascension, Pentecost, and the gospel going to Gentiles to the Old Testament, putting the events in the book of Acts in context of the whole of Scripture's presentation of God's salvation plans and purposes
    • Part of the Saved Suite of Products: Also includes an extensive leader's guide for group study, a personal Bible study, and a companion video series (sold separately)
    • Ideal for Individuals and Small Groups
    ©2024 Nancy Guthrie (P)2024 Crossway

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