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Couverture de Savage Marriage

Savage Marriage

De : Phil Fretwell, Priscilla Fretwell
Lu par : Phil Fretwell, Priscilla Fretwell
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    Do you need help recovering from the trauma of betrayal and sexual addiction? Are struggling to deal with wounds from your past?

    Has the routine of your life made you feel like you're just roommates?

    Savage Marriage is the true, raw, heart-rending journey of betrayal and healing of Phil and Priscilla’s marriage. Each, from their own perspectives, and using their own voices, describe Phil’s confession of his secret betrayal that started with pornography but progressed to massage parlors, shattering their twenty-eight-year, picture-perfect marriage. Phil’s admission launched Priscilla into her own process of brokenness and self-discovery. If you are looking for healing, or you simply want to gain more spiritual, emotional, and sexual vibrancy in your marriage, Savage Marriage is for you!

    Phil and Priscilla Fretwell are the creators of Savage Marriage Ministries, providing coaching, encouragement, and education to couples recovering from sexual immorality, wounds, and betrayal.

    Visit them at

    ©2022 Phillip and Priscilla Fretwell (P)2024 Phillip and Priscilla Fretwell


    "If you and your spouse can relate to the feeling of posturing as though things are better than they really are, then you’ll be inspired by Phil and Priscilla’s honest journey. Their story will take you deeper into your own."—David Robbins, President & CEO, FamilyLife

    "I’ve seen the results from couples Phil and Priscilla have worked with using the same principles found in this book. You will find hope, healing, and restoration for your broken relationships. Savage Marriage could be the miracle you’ve prayed for."—Norm Dubois, Lead Pastor, East Coast Believers Church

    "Phil and Priscilla boldly tell their gripping, powerful story in Savage Marriage, filled with upheaval, pain, healing, and God’s grace. They shine a light on powerful principles that can bring hope and restoration in the toughest circumstances." —Jay Fechtel, President, The Fechtel Company, Director of C12 Group

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