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Couverture de Santeria


De : Migene González-Wippler, Charles Wetli MD - foreword
Lu par : Stacy Gonzalez
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    Brought to Cuba as slaves, the Yoruba people of West Africa preserved their religion's heritage by disguising their gods as Catholic saints and worshipping them in secret. The resulting religion is known as Santeria, a blend of primitive magic and Catholicism now practiced by an estimated five million Americans.

    Santeria: The Religion is an informative and insightful examination of an African religion's survival in the New World. No one could write this book better than Migene González-Wippler. Combining her informed study as an anthropologist and personal experience as a Santerian initiate results in a thrilling book that reveals some of Santeria's most spellbinding elements.

    Santeria covers every aspect of this religion, including its rites and ceremonies. Interviews with practitioners reveal aspects of the religion rarely disclosed to non-believers.

    The time has come to reveal the growing spiritual practice that continues to gain ground worldwide, and to remove the fear and distrust from people who do not understand. Here is the truth about the religion.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio. 

    ©1989 Migene González-Wippler (P)2022 Tantor

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