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Couverture de Sammy Learns to Share

Sammy Learns to Share

De : Craig Hart
Lu par : Craig Hart
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    Join Sammy, a little squirrel with a big heart, on a delightful adventure that teaches the joy of sharing in this heartwarming children's audiobook complete with music and sound. Set in a beautiful forest, "Sammy Learns to Share" follows the story of a young squirrel named Sammy who loves to play with his favorite blue ball. During an unexpected encounter with another squirrel named Lily, Sammy discovers the happiness that comes from sharing his beloved toy. Through Sammy's journey, children will learn the importance of kindness, empathy, and the joy of making new friends. With Craig Hart's warm and engaging narration bringing the characters to life, this audiobook is perfect for bedtime stories or anytime your child needs a gentle reminder about the power of sharing.

    ©2024 Craig Hart (P)2024 Craig Hart
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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