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Couverture de Saint


De : Adrienne Young
Lu par : Ell Potter, Will Damron
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    As a boy, Elias learned the hard way what happens when you don’t heed the old tales.

    Nine years after his lack of superstition got his father killed, he’s grown into a young man of piety, with a deep reverence for the hallowed sea and her fickle favour. As stories of the fisherman’s son who has managed to escape the most deadly of storms spreads from port to port, his devotion to the myths and creeds has given him the reputation of the luckiest bastard to sail the Narrows.

    Now, he’s mere days away from getting everything his father ever dreamed for him – a ship of his own, a crew and a license that names him as one of the first Narrows-born traders. But when a young dredger from the Unnamed Sea with more than one secret crosses his path, Elias’s faith will be tested like never before. The greater the pull he feels toward her, the farther he drifts from the things he’s spent the last three years working for.

    ©2022 Adrienne Young (P)2022 Macmillan Audio


    'Rich, poetic prose that beautifully underscores the two main characters’ strengths, weaknesses and beliefs.' (Kirkus Reviews)

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