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  • Saint George and the Dragon

  • Stories of Saints for Children
  • De : S.V. Sbiera
  • Lu par : Maggie Ross
  • Durée : 6 min

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Saint George and the Dragon

De : S.V. Sbiera
Lu par : Maggie Ross
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    When the devils who lived in the idols tricked the people into sacrificing daily one of their children to be eaten by a ferocious dragon, God decided to send St. George to save the princess and the city.

    Saint George and the Dragon retells the segment from the old version of the Golden Legend in which St. George slays the dragon and saves the princess.

    Saint George and the Dragon is in the Stories of Saints for Children series written especially for children who want to learn about the lives of saints.

    St. George is venerated in the Eastern Orthodox Church, Catholic Church, Oriental Orthodoxy, Church of the East, Anglican Communion, Lutheranism, Umbanda, and Druze faith.

    St. George is the Patron Saint of England, Georgia, Ethiopia, Russia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Portugal, and Brazil. He is also the patron saint of soldiers in most Christian nations´ armed forces. St. George's Day is on April 23.

    ©2022 S.V. Sbiera (P)2022 S.V. Sbiera
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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