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Couverture de Sage-ing While Age-ing

Sage-ing While Age-ing

De : Shirley MacLaine
Lu par : Shirley MacLaine
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    I've been a questioner all my life.

    So begins Academy Award-winning actress Shirley MacLaine as she invites listeners to join her on the most powerful, provocative journey of her life. Sparked by the experience of moving into a new house, she is inspired to look back across the remarkable professional and personal milestones she has experienced so far. Surrounded by the artifacts of a life well-lived, Shirley discovers the invisible threads that stitch together the seemingly random events of her days, adding meaning even to the mundane.

    Having grown older, she is increasingly concerned with the potential pitfalls of modern medicine. She shares personal insights into nutrition, homeopathy, and alternative medicine, offering practical and bracing advice for anyone looking to expand his or her understanding of health and well-being. Beyond the physical, Shirley also explores those things that are unseen. What is consciousness? What is the purpose of our lives? Are we alone in the universe? And perhaps the greatest mystery of all, what happens to us after death?

    Filled with her trademark wit and candor, this is a fascinating, inspiring memoir that will delight and captivate Shirley's legions of fans and fellow travelers everywhere.

    ©2007 Shirley MacLaine (P)2007 Simon and Schuster Inc.

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