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Couverture de Sabotage


De : Elizabeth Knox
Lu par : Jason Fella
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    She’s the one thing I want more than anything else, and I’ll have her, no matter the cost.


    Our club has been knocking down one enemy after the next, and soon enough, we might be able to finally live in peace.

    At least, that’s what we’re all hoping for. I, on the other hand, know that any peace we have will be short-lived. There’s always someone else lurking around the corner, waiting to cause problems.

    The club is hunting Roque down like the rabid dog he is, and after that, Dag asks for help tracking down his abusive former stepfather. A few weeks ago, his mother and sister were attacked by him after his prison release, so they’ve been staying at the club while Loren can’t be located.

    There is never a dull moment in the club, but even with all of the chaos, there is one woman who demands my attention—Aziza.

    She’s one of Magnolia’s closest friends and occasionally works with her. She’s also someone I’ve been sleeping with casually for the last few months whenever she’s broken up with her deadbeat boyfriend who doesn’t deserve her.

    I told Aziza I’m not continuing anything unless she’s done with Tyler, and she tells me she is, but I know better. He might treat her like crap, but the man is her first love, and she has a soft spot for him.

    Even so, I’ll do anything I need to have her as mine. I don’t care what I need to do, but I am going to sabotage his efforts.

    Aziza will be mine.

    **Sabotage is the eighth book in the Raiders of Valhalla MC series by Elizabeth Knox. It is not recommended to listen to this book as a standalone. Please note subjects within this book can be triggering, and this is intended for mature audiences only.

    ©2024 Elizabeth Knox (P)2024 Elizabeth Knox

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