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SMART Objective Setting for Managers

De : Irial O'Farrell
Lu par : Irial O'Farrell
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    Amazon best seller.

    Do you feel out of your depth when setting objectives for your team?

    Ah, the annual ritual of objective-setting! Loved by so few, undertaken by so many. Do you get a slight knot in the pit of your stomach, just thinking about it? You’re not alone…

    Most managers dread it because they're not 100 percent sure of what they're supposed to do. Promoted with little training, they're just supposed to know how to design objectives. Know how to develop soft skills. Sure it's easy, right? On top of that, there’s the niggling feeling that the process doesn’t make much of a difference. It's a tick-box exercise managers are forced to do. Sound familiar? Here's a little secret for you...

    The usual SMART theory is based on you setting a goal for you...but performance objective-setting naturally involves setting a goal with another person i.e., we're dealing with two processes - SMART and communication. Based on insights arising from the author's own management experience, developing hundreds of managers and designing performance management processes, enter the SMART world of objective-setting and:

    • Gain a 360 view of performance, job descriptions and objectives
    • Unpack the SMART framework, for a unique take on using it effectively in performance management
    • Weave the communication process into designing SMART objectives, to ensure alignment
    • Learn how to design objectives that develop "soft competencies" such as stakeholder management and communication
    • Link objectives to human motivation theories, to increase employee buy-in
    • Consider how to prepare for and structure objective-setting meetings

    What would a 10 percent increase in your team's performance mean to you?

    ©2020 Irial O'Farrell (P)2022 Irial O'Farrell

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