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Couverture de Rush of Heaven

Rush of Heaven

De : Ema McKinley, Cheryl Ricker
Lu par : Devon O'day
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    “Ema, give me your hand.” These were the words Jesus spoke to Ema on Christmas Eve - the night he straightened her crooked foot, hand, neck, and spine, and restored her mobility. Easter weekend, 18 years earlier, an ordinary workday turned into a nightmare when Ema McKinley passed out and was left hanging upside down in the storage room. Rather than improving, Ema’s body became progressively bent and disfigured. Doctors diagnosed Ema with reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD), an extremely painful trauma-induced disease which led to Ema’s hand and foot deformities, painful sores, insomnia, gastrological distress, curvature of the neck and spine, heart and lung failure, and permanent confinement to a wheelchair. Once an athletic, powerhouse woman with multiple jobs and volunteer positions, Ema became a modern-day Job who lost everything except her faith and desire to trust God more fully. Ema wrestled with pain, anger, and forgiveness, but now takes the listener on a healing miracle encounter of Biblical proportions.

    Rush of Heaven will ignite listeners’ passion for Jesus and help them walk hand-in-hand with Him through life’s darkness. It will open hearts to embrace the impossible. “Jesus gave me this miracle for you too!” - Ema McKinley

    ©2014 Zondervan (P)2014 Zondervan

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