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  • Running Formula for Weight Loss

  • The Science of Shedding Pounds Through Running
  • De : Andie Chrane
  • Lu par : Steven Myles
  • Durée : 36 min

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Running Formula for Weight Loss

De : Andie Chrane
Lu par : Steven Myles
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    Running Formula for Weight Loss: The Science of Shedding Pounds Through Running

    Whether you're a beginner looking to improve your fitness level or an experienced runner aiming to achieve new personal records, this audiobook is your comprehensive guide to elevating your running game with valuable tips and techniques for enhanced speed and endurance.

    From setting meaningful goals and designing effective training plans to mastering proper running form and optimizing nutrition and hydration, this audiobook equips you with the essential tools for success. Explore various training methods, such as interval training, tempo runs, and long-distance workouts, and discover how to incorporate them into your routine for maximum performance gains.

    But it's not just about physical training—it's about developing a winning mindset and embracing the mental aspects of running. "Running Formula" delves into techniques for mental focus, overcoming challenges, and maintaining motivation during tough training sessions and races. Discover how to build mental resilience, visualize success, and tap into your inner strength to push past your limits.

    Whether you aspire to complete your first 5K race, achieve a new personal best, or simply find joy and fulfillment in your running journey, "Running Formula: A Guide on How to Elevate Your Running Game. Learn Tips and Techniques for Enhanced Speed and Endurance" is your trusted companion. Let it be your roadmap to reaching new heights in your running pursuits, unlocking your full potential, and experiencing the exhilaration of crossing the finish line stronger than ever before.

    ©2023 Online Agile LLC (P)2023 Online Agile LLC

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