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  • Running Down a Dream

  • Your Road Map to Winning Creative Battles
  • De : Tim Grahl
  • Lu par : Tim Grahl
  • Durée : 2 h et 53 min

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Running Down a Dream

De : Tim Grahl
Lu par : Tim Grahl
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    A deeply personal field guide to defeating your own worst enemy.

    When you dream, you envision a magical future. You have heroically slayed the dragons and unlocked the creativity and genius buried deep inside.

    But how do you actually get there?

    You can analyze the myths of visionary creators - artists, writers, musicians, software developers, etc., who have accomplished the impossible. You’ll read about how they went for it, refused to quit, and would not be denied. But exactly how these successful creators went from being fearful dreamers to accomplished artists proves elusive. They seem to have secret sauce inside that you just don’t possess.

    Running Down a Dream unflinchingly bares the naked truth behind all creations and shares the practical to-do list to take you from here to there.

    The good news? You don’t have to be an Austen or a Michelangelo or an Oprah to create a work of art.

    The bad news? There is no glossing over the pain, embarrassment, and financial terror necessary to contend with on your journey to mission accomplished.

    More good news? What lies ahead for you is the realization of your heroic self. The run is worth it in ways you can’t yet imagine.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2018 Black Irish Books, LLC (P)2018 Black Irish Books, LLC

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