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  • Runner's High

  • How a Movement of Cannabis-Fueled Athletes Is Changing the Science of Sports
  • De : Josiah Hesse
  • Lu par : Josiah Hesse
  • Durée : 9 h et 29 min

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Runner's High

De : Josiah Hesse
Lu par : Josiah Hesse
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    Michael Pollan's How to Change Your Mind meets Christopher McDougall's Born to Run in this immersive, investigative look at the hidden culture of cannabis use among elite athletes (as well as weekend warriors) - and the surprising emerging science behind the elusive, exhilarating "runner's high" they all seek.

    Pot makes exercise fun. The link between performance enhancement and cannabis has been an open secret for many years, so much so that with the wide-sweeping national legalization of cannabis, combining weed and working out has become the hottest new wellness trend.

    Why, then, is there still a skewed perception around this leafy substance that it only produces the lazy, red-eyed stoner laid out on a couch somewhere, munching on junk food? In fact, scientists have conducted extensive research that uncovers the power of the "runner's high" - the true holy grail of aerobic activity that was long believed to be caused by endorphins. In an extraordinary reversal, scientists believe marijuana may actually be the key to getting more Americans off their phones and onto their feet.

    In Runner's High, seasoned investigative journalist Josiah Hesse takes listeners on a journey through the secret world of stoned athletes, describing astounding, cannabis-inspired physical and mental transformations, just like he experienced. From the economics of the $20 billion CBD market to the inherent inequalities in the enforcement of marijuana prohibition; from the mind-body connection behind the "runner's high" to the best way to make your own cannabis-infused power bars; Runner's High takes this groundbreaking science out of the lab and onto the trail, court, field, and pitch, fundamentally changing the way we think about exercise, recovery, and cannabis.

    ©2021 Josiah Hesse (P)2021 Penguin Audio


    “A major, groundbreaking book on cannabis.” (High Times)

    “A stimulating survey of recent changing attitudes toward cannabis use in athletics.... Hesse is at his best explaining the hypocrisy of criminalizing pot — while other potentially dangerous substances are legal — and how to use it responsibly. This enlightening deep-dive into the benefits of lighting up may even win over skeptics.” (Publishers Weekly)

    “[A] work of advocacy.... An eye-opening and potentially mind-expanding read for runners and stoners alike, not to mention the culturally curious.” (Kirkus Reviews)

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