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Couverture de Runaway Mate

Runaway Mate

De : Delta James
Lu par : JT Farrell
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    Her heart raced as she watched the clock tick closer to her fate. Her father made a terrible mistake. One she’s left paying for.

    Winter had no choice but to follow the orders of her father and marry Sean Campbell, the alpha of an enemy clan. After the wedding she is locked in Sean’s room until he is ready to claim her. She escapes before he can mark and claim her.

    Staying in Campbell territory is not an option and going back to her home clan is impossible. Hoping that no one would find her in a tiny, little town in Alaska, she found her way to Mystic River. Colby Reynolds takes her into his band of spies, now things are looking up for her. She has a place to live, a new job she loves, and the certainty that she'll never have to look at Sean Campbell’s face ever again.

    She’d left him! And on their wedding day, no less! Sean Campbell couldn’t believe that the woman he’d married had disappeared only hours after exchanging their vows! She was his fated mate and he would leave no stone unturned in his quest to find her. It took years but he has located Winter in Mystic River, Alaska. Now that he knows where she’s been hiding, he wants her back.

    But doesn't he remember? She told him she’d never be his mate, and there isn't a single thing he can do to change her mind.

    To Sean, that sounds like a challenge. And if there's one thing Winter knows about snow leopard shifters, it's that they can never resist a challenge.

    Come visit Mystic River, Alaska a small, remote town that has always been a safe community for different types of shifters. These shifters are gorgeous, possessive and finding their fated mate is high on their priority list.

    Take a walk on the wild side with these curvy heroines, their sexy fated mates and scenes that sizzle.

    ©2023 Delta James (P)2024 Delta James

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