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Couverture de Run for Your Life

Run for Your Life

De : Andrea Kane
Lu par : Kate Udall
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    Bestselling author Andrea Kane delivers a pulsating blend of corruption, seduction, and bone-chilling suspense in this sensational blockbuster thriller. From its opening scene to its shattering climax, the dark undercurrents of murder and love entwine in her most powerful and edgy novel yet.

    Manhattan attorney Victoria Kensington is deeply alarmed when she runs into her sister, Audrey, in Central Park-clad in a hospital gown and fleeing from unknown pursuers. As Audrey collapses at her feet, warning about danger, Victoria rushes for help. When she returns, Audrey has vanished from sight.

    Despite threats against her life, Victoria vows to discover her sister's whereabouts. She works alone until the only man she ever loved, Zachary Hamilton, suddenly appears in New York. Assigned to investigate a worldwide drug syndicate, he suspects it may tie in to Audrey's disappearance. Together, Victoria and Zach race against the clock to crack the deadly drug ring and find Audrey. While they work, they find the white-hot electricity between them recharging to a fever pitch. Pursuing the shocking truth that might tear Victoria's family irrevocably apart, she and Zach begin to unravel a complex web of deceit-which echoes terrifyingly back to Victoria's own life.

    ©2000 Andrea Kane (P)2024 Tantor

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