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Couverture de Rules for Ghosting

Rules for Ghosting

De : Shelly Jay Shore
Lu par : Petey Gibson
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    'Part ghost story, part Jewish family epic, and part romance, RULES FOR GHOSTING is a meditation on life, death, and healing that is at turns bitingly funny and deeply moving' - Anita Kelly

    Rule #1: They can't speak. | Rule #2: They can't move. | Rule #3: They can't hurt you.

    Ezra Friedman can see ghosts - which made growing up in a funeral home complicated, especially with his grandfather's ghost giving disapproving looks at every choice he makes from his taste in boyfriends to his HRT-induced second puberty. It's no wonder that since moving out, he's stayed as far away from the family business as possible.

    But when dream job disappears and his mother uses Passover seder to tell everyone she's running away with the rabbi's wife, Ezra finds himself back in the thick of it at the funeral home.

    Having agreed to help out, Ezra must face not only his loved ones, but also his crush on Jonathan - the handsome funeral home volunteer who also happens to be his new neighbour - and Johnathan's ghostly relative, who is breaking every spectral rule Ezra knows.

    As he tries to keep his family together and his heart from getting broken, Ezra will soon realise there's more than one way to be haunted...

    ©2024 Shelly Jay Shore (P)2024 Orion Publishing Group Limited
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : LGBT

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