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Couverture de Roverpowered


De : Drew Hayes
Lu par : Amy Landon
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    A wizard's first quest. An unlikely companion. Grand adventure awaits!

    Wanda and Wumble are a small pair with vast ambitions. One an aspiring alchemist, and the other her faithful hound, the pair bond as wizard and familiar to begin their pursuit of magic.

    As a newly made wizard without any training, resources, or even a home to return to, Wanda will have to forge her own way on a path where constant dangers lurk. Even the simple act of furthering her alchemy education swiftly becomes a harrowing ordeal.

    Luckily for Wanda, Wumble is no ordinary hound.

    Contained within her one-eyed companion is a power many factions of the world are actively hunting for. A seed with unfathomable potential waiting to sprout.

    And anyone who trifles with Wumble’s wizard is in for a ruff time.

    Experience a brand new universe from Drew Hayes, the bestselling author of Super Powereds and NPCs. Featuring a lovable pair of heroes out on their first adventure, learning about both magic and life in a progression fantasy suitable for all ages!

    ©2024 Aethon Books (P)2024 Aethon Audio

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