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Couverture de Roses in Red Wax

Roses in Red Wax

De : Louise Mayberry
Lu par : Marina Fess, Eden Gabay
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    1820 Scotland. Amidst the smoke-choked alleys of Glasgow and the untamed beauty of the Highlands, a spellbinding tale of love and rebellion unfolds.

    Jane Stuart has lost everything. Her betrothed, her ancestral castle, and her cherished orchard—her life's work—have all been ripped away. Now, exiled and adrift in the cold fog of Glasgow, she's numb to the weight of her grief, resigned to a desolate future shrouded in loneliness and grey.

    But fate has a different plan.

    Percy Sommerbell is a musician, a free spirit who holds nothing but disdain for his industrialist father. But when familial duty forces Percy to travel to Scotland, he's confronted with a painful truth—a truth that threatens to unravel the very fabric of his carefree existence. His family's money, the fortune that funds his hedonistic enjoyment of all life's pleasures, is generated by the suffering of children in his father's mills.

    In the midst of Glasgow's smoke and shadows, Percy encounters Jane, a mysterious Highland beauty whose sad eyes and luscious curves promise both distraction from his guilt and inspiration for his music. Against all reason, Jane falls under Percy's spell. But when the mills become the first spark in a violent radical insurgency, their budding connection faces a perilous trial beyond anything they could have imagined.

    Grounded in real historical events, Roses in Red Wax is a captivating novel of loss and the healing power of love, where duty clashes with purpose and passion blooms amidst chaos as the world catches fire.

    ©2023,2024 M&S Creative LLC dba Louise Mayberry (P)2024 M&S Creative LLC dba Louise Mayberry


    "This book is not a Kit Kat, its an exquisite truffle from the hands of a master chocolatier. Decadent, nuanced, surprising, and unforgettable." - Heather Hallman, author of Toast of Tokyo

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