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Couverture de Rolling Through Afghanistan

Rolling Through Afghanistan

De : Nicholas Bertucci
Lu par : Nicholas Bertucci
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    United States Navy Fleet Marine Force Hospital Corpsman Nicholas Bertucci kept a handwritten journal of his 2010 deployment in Afghanistan.

    He shares that experience in Rolling Through Afghanistan for the benefit of those who have wondered what it's like to be part of the United States armed forces fighting on the front lines in war...and to help those who may not be ready to face the memory of their own experiences.

    Keeping the journal during his time in Afghanistan was therapeutic, and even if revisiting it to create this memoir was its own kind of battle, Bertucci's mission is worth the cost in tears and trauma so that others might understand, and for the benefit of helping other combat veterans.

    In Rolling Through Afghanistan, Bertucci reveals everything he can about operating in Afghanistan as a US Navy Marine Force Corpsman, and also his life leading up to that time, and since... including the long-term effects he still carries with him.

    You will be there for every emotion, battle, and physical struggle Bertucci endured, day in and day out... including the lingering emotional pain that so often affects not just veterans, but also their loved ones and acquaintances... and how important it is to recognize post traumatic stress disorder and learn what can be done -- by everyone -- to ease the pain of war.

    ©2021 Nicholas Bertucci (P)2024 Nicholas Bertucci

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