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Rock Stars on the Record

De : Eric Spitznagel
Lu par : Michael Butler Murray
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    Rock Stars on the Record is a collection of firsthand tales by artists of all ages, backgrounds, and musical influences, remembering the meaning behind the records that mattered most to them. From Laura Jane Grace to Ian MacKaye, Don McLean to Cherie Currie, Alice Bag to Mac DeMarco, and many more, best-selling author Eric Spitznagel talks to rock stars across the sonic spectrum about the albums that changed them in ways only music can change someone.

    Everyone's most cherished childhood record - be it a battered piece of vinyl, torn cassette tape, or scratched CD - has a story, and those stories can be more revealing about their owners than you might expect. Hear about how "Weird Al" Yankovic refined his accordion skills by playing along to Elton John's Good-bye Yellow Brick Road, or how Fishbone's Angelo Moore saved his life with a boombox and a Bad Brains album. Or about how Wendy Melvoin and Lisa Coleman of Prince's longtime band, The Generation, fell in love while trading mixtapes.

    Each profile is more emotional, fascinating, and hilarious than the last. So place that needle in the groove, and prepare to hear something revelatory from your favorite rockers past and present.

    ©2020 Eric Spitznagel (P)2021 HighBridge, a division of Recorded Books

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