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  • Robert Black

  • The True Story of a Child Rapist and Serial Killer from the United Kingdom
  • De : C.L. Swinney
  • Lu par : Don Kline
  • Durée : 1 h et 49 min

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Couverture de Robert Black

Robert Black

De : C.L. Swinney
Lu par : Don Kline
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    This audiobook contains graphic statements that some may find very disturbing.

    Given up for adoption by his mother at only a few weeks old, Robert Black is placed with physically abusive foster parents, setting the tone for who, and what, he'd become - a pedophile and serial killer. Starting at the age of five, he recalls being sexually curious and began placing items in his anus at the age of eight. He'd sexually assault hundreds of little girls before committing his first murder. Sadly, as law enforcement stumbled along with no leads or evidence, Robert Black would strike repeatedly, destroying families and preying on innocent little girls in the United Kingdom.

    Chris Swinney is the best-selling true crime author of:

    • Robert Pickton: The Pig Farmer Killer
    • The Killer Handyman: The True Story of William Patrick Fyfe

    He is also the author of the action/thriller Bill Dix Detective series.

    • Book 1 - Gray Ghost
    • Book 2 - The Cartel Enforcers
    • Book 3 - Sin City Assassin

    Swinney is an active police officer/homicide detective in the Oakland, CA, area. He donates most of his royalties to various organizations such as: Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF), Cancer research, and PTSD/Military support groups. The proceeds from The Cartel Enforcers go to Koti Fakava's family, who passed away leaving his wife and five children.

    ©2015 RJ Parker Publishing (P)2015 RJ Parker Publishing

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