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De : Matteo Pistono, John Ralston Saul - foreword, Harsha Navaratne - afterword
Lu par : Matteo Pistono
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    The captivating life story of renowned Buddhist activist Sulak Sivaraksa.

    "I believe [Sulak] and I share a conviction that if we are to solve human problems, economic and technological development must be accompanied by an inner spiritual growth. And if we succeed in fulfilling both these goals, we will surely create a happier and more peaceful world." (His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama)

    Matteo Pistono’s deft prose weaves together the story of Sulak Sivaraksa’s years of social-justice work and his tireless campaigns to effect change. As a seminal figure in the world of socially engaged spirituality, Sulak has given us a blueprint for peaceful, nonviolent activism in the 21st century.

    ©2019 Matteo Pistono, John Ralston Saul, Harsha Navaratne (P)2019 North Atlantic Books


    "Although material advances have contributed enormously to human welfare, they cannot create lasting happiness by themselves. I believe [Sulak] and I share a conviction that if we are to solve human problems, economic and technological development must be accompanied by an inner spiritual growth. And if we succeed in fulfilling both these goals, we will surely create a happier and more peaceful world." (His Holiness the XIV Dalai Lama)

    "[Sulak] offers a clear picture of what is going on, and he does so as a participant, not just as an observer. He is a teacher and an organizer, a bodhisattva who devotes all his energies to helping others." (Thich Nhat Hanh, author of Living Buddha, Living Christ)

    "Consistently engaging, Pistono’s book provides a template for Buddhist activism at a time when bold voices like Sulak’s are so desperately needed." (Buddhadharma)

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