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Couverture de Road of Thorns

Road of Thorns

De : Michel Lee King
Lu par : Michael T. Bradley
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    Rozanitsa is a hunter, the best in her village. So, when a werewolf begins picking the maidens around her off, she takes matters into her own hands. Frustrated by the council's reluctance and the incompetence of those would be victims, she goes against everything she has been taught to respect, namely her father's rule in her home. After her botched hunt, she must suffer the burden of her crime. Beaten, embarrassed, and infuriated, she is placed as bait to the elders' trap. Stalking the wolf, Rose makes him an offer he can't refuse, mainly because she holds a knife to his throat. Cutting ties with all that bound her to the stark, harsh, and ruthless life she had been raised in, she ventures forth to seek a new beginning.

    Tyr is an unrepentant werewolf. Sure human men would satisfy his bloodlust, but why settle for water when you can drink wine? Although the maidens of his latest haunt are hardly better than the men. Bitter, rough, and holding the tinge of defeat and despair inside their flesh, they do little to abate his hunger. Never did he believe his perfect prey would also be his most dangerous hunter. When he watches her leave the village he resolves to track her. Surely a woman brazen enough to shoot him with an arrow and hold a knife to his throat is a worthy challenge. But is he biting off more than he can chew? Caught in a vicious game of cat and mouse along an unknown road, Rozanitsa and Tyr must battle their wills while attempting to help each other across a continent. Blow by blow and cut by cut, they fight their way through the miles with desperate villagers following in their wake. Will they reach their destination before they both perish? Or will one finally get the upper hand?

    ©2013 Michel Lee King (P)2014 Michel Lee King

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