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Couverture de Rising Flames

Rising Flames

De : Kennedy Layne
Lu par : Rock Engle
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    USA Today best-selling author Kennedy Layne concludes the Surviving Ashes series with an explosive story where the strength of love rises against the loss of humanity....

    Van Overton had given years of service to his country. He'd paid his dues and he no longer needed to put his life on the line. He could live out the rest of his days doing what he did best - making money from inside the heart of the world's fastest paced financial system.

    Allie James had wished time and again for something - anything - to happen just so she didn't have to open another eviction notice. She adored the hustle and bustle of the city, her cozy apartment in a good neighborhood, and the rugged looking man across the hall wasn't half bad to look at either. Regrettably, she'd been thinking more along the lines of winning the lottery than an approaching apocalypse.

    Van should have known his luck wouldn't hold out, but a supervolcano eruption? It was a good thing his time in the military had taught him to be ready for just about anything. Unfortunately, his next-door neighbor didn't fit into anyone's idea of a survival plan. Allie was everything he tried to avoid in a woman, but she was definitely the one who had the ability to steal his heart.

    ©2017 Kennedy Layne (P)2017 Audible, Inc.

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