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Couverture de Rise of the Omega

Rise of the Omega

De : Robin Clement
Lu par : Meg Kingsley
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    Loyalty, love and deception are alive in the sleepy state of Maryland....

    Growing up in a pack where prestige and honor trump the existence of the mate bond, Danika Flynn the oldest daughter of three girls blessed to the Beta's of the Harbor Moon pack is on the search of her life.

    She must find her fated mate; the greatest gift the Moon Goddess could've bestowed on her, before she is forced to break that bond forever and accept a man chosen for her based on pedigree and prestige by a pack she knew very little about; besides her childhood best friend, and Omega by the name of Dominik Rhodes was sent there on the Alpha's orders to prove a point. Everyone had a place in the pack, even Danika.

    With love, fate and her happily ever after on the line can Danika race against the clock and find her mate? Or will she be forced to accept that duty truly outweighs all?

    Robin Clement's does it again with her latest novel of love, loyalty, and doing what is right over what is expected. Rise of the Omega is sure to check all the boxes.

    ©2022, 2023 Robin Inkster (P)2023 Robin Inkster

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