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Couverture de Rise of the Last Summoner 1

Rise of the Last Summoner 1

De : Todd Herzman
Lu par : Matt Hicks, Erin Bateman
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    Four hundred years ago, in the time before the Godfall, the demon hordes were unleashed upon the world of Elaria.

    Now, the world has shrunk to one small valley, the Valley of Auld, humanity’s last bastion.

    All those within its walls are protected.

    Elian is markless—someone who cannot activate skills—and he is one of the poorest markless there is. A miner, forced to leave the city and toil in the nearby salt mines. On their way to and from the mines, the miners are kept secure in a locked wagon. The wagon is not locked to keep them from escaping.

    It’s locked to keep the demons from getting in.

    Until one day, on their return journey to the city, the wagon is attacked, and the marked guards tasked with protecting it are all slain.

    On that day, Elian discovers he isn’t markless after all—he is full-marked, giving him access to all four classes.

    Infuser. Invoker. Necromancer. And Summoner.

    Summoners were responsible for bringing the demon hordes to Elaria in the first place, and their existence has been purged from the marked bloodlines.

    Full-marked shouldn’t exist, yet here he is.

    With his newfound powers, Elian must gain skills, fight the demons, and get himself and the other miners back to the city safely—but if anyone discovers what he truly is,he’ll be killed on sight the moment he returns.

    A LitRPG Progression Fantasy adventure, Rise of the Last Summoner has a hard magic system that allows marked to control demons, reanimate corpses into minions, steal an enemy’s senses, and infuse different properties into items.

    ©2024 Todd Herzman (P)2024 Royal Guard Publishing LLC

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