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Couverture de Rise: The Reincarnation of an Entrepreneur

Rise: The Reincarnation of an Entrepreneur

De : Michael Erath
Lu par : Michael Erath
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    When the housing market crashed in 2009, Michael Erath lost everything. Due to a combination of declining sales, betrayals from key staff, and personal shortcomings, Michael went from owning two businesses generating $45 million in annual revenue to seeing both of them destroyed while at the same time nearly losing his marriage and his home. But he didn’t let failure keep him down. Instead, he learned from his mistakes and rose back to success.

    Michael’s journey inspired him to help others avoid the mistakes he made by bringing discipline, accountability, and balance into their work and personal lives. In Rise, Michael recounts his remarkable story with brutal honesty and self-reflection. He demonstrates how moving beyond a one-size-fits-all business operating system and leveraging a custom-tailored approach, while also building healthy, open, and honest leadership teams, can help entrepreneurs free themselves from the control their businesses have over them, fall back in love with their businesses, and achieve their dreams.

    Part refreshingly honest memoir and part guide for entrepreneurs, Rise will show you how to get out of your own way and live your ideal life.

    ©2017 Michael Erath (P)2017 Michael Erath


    "Michael is one of our best EOS Implementers. What makes him great is that he has lived everything he teaches. His story is a great one, and he is a true class act." (Gino Wickman, author of Traction and creator of EOS)

    "I've met countless entrepreneurs over the course of my two-plus decades in business, but few have stories as dramatic - and, in the end, as inspirational - as Michael Erath's." (Cameron Herold, global best-selling author, executive coach, and COO Alliance founder)

    "Michael's leadership and guidance has been instrumental to the success and cohesiveness of our management team. With Michael's help, we have become more effective both as a team and as an organization, we communicate better, and most importantly we've learned to successfully identify and resolve issues, allowing us to grow as a company." (Brad Halley, founder and CEO, USA Vinyl)

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