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  • Rigged

  • America, Russia and 100 Years of Covert Electoral Interference
  • De : David Shimer
  • Lu par : Kevin R. Free
  • Durée : 10 h et 53 min

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De : David Shimer
Lu par : Kevin R. Free
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    The definitive account of covert operations to influence elections from the Cold War to 2016 - and why the threat is greater than ever in 2020.

    Russia's interference in 2016 marked only the latest chapter of a hidden and revelatory history. In Rigged, David Shimer tells the sweeping story of covert electoral interference past and present. He exposes decades of secret operations - by the CIA, the KGB and Vladimir Putin's Russia - to shape electoral outcomes, melding deep historical research with groundbreaking interviews with more than 130 key players, from former CIA directors to a KGB general.

    What Americans should make of Russia's attack in 2016 is still hotly debated, even after the release of the Mueller Report and years of media coverage. Shimer shows that Putin's operation was, in fact, a continuation of an ongoing struggle, using familiar weapons radically enhanced by new technology. Casting aside partisanship and sensationalism, Rigged reveals new details about what Russia achieved in 2016, how the United States responded and why Putin has also been interfering in elections across the globe in recent years.

    Understanding 2016 as one battle in a much longer war is essential to understanding the critical threat currently posed to America's electoral sovereignty and how to defend against it. Illuminating how the lessons of the past can be used to protect our democracy in the future, Rigged is an essential book for consumers of every political persuasion.

    ©2020 David Shimer (P)2020 HarperCollins Publishers Limited


    "This pioneering and judicious history of foreign intervention in elections should [interest] everyone who wants to defend democracy now." (Timothy Snyder, author of On Tyranny)

    "'Election interference' by one country into another is a subject that inspires speculation and conspiracy theory. David Shimer's Rigged establishes the facts: when and why Russians and Americans have meddled in the politics of other countries - and of one another. Based on a wide range of sources, this book is an excellent resource for people who want to know what actually happened, and not just what was rumoured." (Anne Applebaum, Pulitzer Prize-winning author of Gulag: A History)

    "This is a brilliant, eye-opening, and riveting book. Shimer’s analysis of foreign interference in elections, historical and contemporary, is unmatched. It should be the baseline for any future discussions about this urgent threat to our democracy." (Jake Sullivan, former director of policy planning, State Department)

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