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Couverture de Rift in the Soul

Rift in the Soul

De : Faith Hunter
Lu par : Khristine Hvam
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    Nell Ingram and her team face a dire supernatural evil in this newest thrilling paranormal procedural in the New York Times bestselling Soulwood series.

    Nell Ingram draws her powers from deep in the earth, and uses them to help Psy-LED, the Psychometric Law Enforcement Division, which solves paranormal crimes. When a local vampire calls to report a dead body on her compound, Nell knows she and her team have to be ready for anything.

    But the dead body is just the beginning of a mystery that involves supernaturals of all kinds, including some of the most powerful vampires in the country. As Nell gets closer to the truth, she begins to understand that the perpetrator is tracking her too—and that there is something personal about this crime. Something with roots that go almost as deep as those in Soulwood.

    ©2024 Faith Hunter (P)2024 Audible, Inc.

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