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Riffs, Rogues, and Rivals

De : David Partelow
Lu par : Dennes Sims
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Welcome once more, friends…back to Berth, back to Lauria, and back to Elsewhere where the spirits ever flow, the insanity comes in healthy doses, and the adventures remain weird, and possibly weirder when time allows.

It is Elsewhere after all.

And you’re back. Again.

Admit it, you’re not here for the booze.

And so, with grit, spit, and warmish cheer, we return to the misadventures of Percival Pratchet, our sometimes loveable bard school dropout and more or less “heroic” patron of the mysticalish pub of Elsewhere. This time around finds Percival leaning well into his lot as entertainer and occasional doer of deeds that could be construed as good. It is Percival after all, he gloriously walks a fine line. And despite his good cheer, the bard will be thrust once more into the thick of a wild misadventure, full of rampant danger, seedy shenanigans, shameless shagging, and glorious misunderstandings. For yet again, Percival shall display his innate ability to hack people off with the greatest of ease and flair.

And this time, he does so to the wrong person, and it’s suddenly and officially personal.

Now, with a hefty price on his head, Percival will have to use his wits to clear his somewhat good name before he’s killed outright. Joining him this time is Fenn, the mysteriously dashing rogue and the bard’s most loyal drinking partner. Together the duo will have to avoid mercenaries, fortune seekers, and earnest goobers in hopes of living another day. With the pressure rising, Percival and Fenn will be forced to face the music where victory means life and failure means being completely and royally screwed.

And not in the good way, mind you.

©2023 David Partelow (P)2024 David Partelow
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