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Couverture de Riding Blind with a Billionaire Biker

Riding Blind with a Billionaire Biker

De : Ramona Richey
Lu par : Sarah Pulliam
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    I'm Laney, a blind massage therapist who is passionate about singing with local bands. In the chaos of Bike Week, my world collides with Jaxon's, a rugged and secretive biker. A passionate romance develops, challenging all stereotypes. But just as love starts to blossom, tragedy strikes, shattering my heart and leaving me mourning a devastating loss…

    A fundraiser is organized for my sight restoration surgery, but it falls short and is paid for by an anonymous donor. When gathering at the hospital, my brother blows the whistle on Jaxon's identity. I discovered that Jaxon is not just a biker but a billionaire and my brother's boss. I don’t want to feel obligated to anyone who isn’t honest with me.

    I distance myself, feeling deceived and determined to stand alone while grieving the loss of my close friend and trying to navigate my newly sighted world. But life takes an unexpected turn when Jaxon has a life-threatening motorcycle accident, jolting me into realizing how deeply I care for him.

    The thought of losing him forever is more than I can handle…
    Will I be granted a second chance with this love of a lifetime?

    ©2023 Tracey Bryant (P)2024 Tracey Bryant
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Romance

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