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  • Riddles for Smart Kids

  • Riddles and Trick Questions for Kids Age 4-8 and 9-12 to Enjoy with the Whole Family!
  • De : The Riddle Academy
  • Lu par : Simon Benham
  • Durée : 3 h

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Riddles for Smart Kids

De : The Riddle Academy
Lu par : Simon Benham
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    Have you been looking for a way to entertain your kids? Do you know that there are a lot of books, but none like this one? What makes it stand out from all others? Well, that's a riddle that can be answered in a way you, and your child can easily understand.

    Riddles for Smart Kids is a book that contains many original riddles. These riddles are all ordered in a simple way. They are entertaining and educational and can help your child develop the skills you want them to have in a world that doesn't encourage people to think outside the box. This book is what your child needs to have if you want him to have a good time while learning. 

    What will you find in Riddles for Smart Kids?

    Many, many riddles. Don't come to think that these riddles have just been thrown into one single book. They are where they are so that your child can have an easy time listening to them. It's easy to move from one riddle to another without any problems. These riddles are divided into two many sections: riddles for kids ages 4-8 and kids ages 9-12.

    A fun way to educate your child. There are many educational books that just lay out the facts as cold as they want to. There are many joke books that can entertain, but often they do it in a way that can actually be detrimental to your child due to their content. This book combines the fun and curiosity that your child is naturally attracted to, and so it works fantastically as a tool that encourages your child to keep learning.

    Steps to writing your own riddle. It's not just about you; it's about your child. He can learn to write his own riddle with the detailed steps that are shown in this book. You can also benefit from it, and you'll see that you'll be writing riddles in no time.

    Riddle for Smart Kids is more than just a book; it is a tool. Indeed, it is the tool you need to help your child and yourself develop his thinking abilities and to learn how to harness your critical thinking. Thinking outside the box has never been made easier before.

    ©2020 The Riddle Academy (P)2020 The Riddle Academy
    • Version intégrale Livre audio
    • Catégories : Jeunesse

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