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Couverture de Rhythm of Rage

Rhythm of Rage

De : Denise P. Ford
Lu par : Autumn Yvonne
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    Rhythm of Rage encompasses how one woman struggled from birth to victory. Every soul has been given an assignment before the foundations of the earth. Sometimes, an assignment can entail different phases of unfortunate circumstances resulting in anger and escalating into rage like mine. 

    While growing up, my life was spared from death on several occasions. I was burned, abused, abandoned as I struggled through poverty. When I was going through my worst in life, I felt ashamed and defeated. I felt deeply wounded, and I became good at hiding my scars. 

    In order to be accepted, I learned to wear a mask. When I walked away from my marriage, the cords of love, laughter, hurt, pain, betrayal, and deception revealed this mask of sorrow. Along the journey, I’ve discovered that many women, I myself, adapt to living behind the mask, and sometimes, this can go on for many years, before there’s an awakening through divine intervention. In search of love and protection, I have only come to find that there is nowhere to turn but to that light, God.

    ©2008 Denise P. Ford (P)2021 Denise P. Ford

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