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Couverture de Revved Up

Revved Up

De : Willa Brooks
Lu par : Ashton Haugen
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    Love is an accessory after the fact.

    Meet Janine Benson, the spirited cab driver who's taken the bustling streets of New York City by storm. Life behind the wheel may be no walk in Central Park, but Janine can handle any pothole that comes her way. That is until destiny throws her a curveball. One fateful night, guess who hops into her yellow chariot? None other than her arch-nemesis from high school—the snooty jerk who once scoffed at her for donning her mom's hand-knit gloves instead of some fancy-schmancy designer pair.

    Enter Luke Whitmore, the suave manager of a swanky hotel, complete with deep pockets and a protective streak that stretches from Battery Park to the Bronx. Worried sick about Janine's safety, he offers her a golden opportunity—chauffeuring the hotel’s elite guests. Little does Luke know, Janine has unknowingly stumbled into the wheelhouse of a big-time mob boss.

    As Janine finds herself caught in a twisted web of deceit, the spark between her and Luke ignites—a sizzling chemistry that crackles like Times Square on New Year's Eve. Can this fire withstand the dangerous gauntlet they're thrown into, or will the city's treacherous underbelly tear them apart? Hold on tight, 'cause this rollercoaster ride is about to hit full throttle!

    ©2023 Willa Brooks (P)2023 Willa Brooks

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