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Couverture de Revolution


De : David Dorrough
Lu par : David Dorrough
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    Half satire, half farce, and half slice-of-life, REVOLUTION dives into the world of Bill and Yvonne Smede, two middle-aged professionals attempting to lead semi-sane, low-profile lives amidst the loud, swirling chaos of Southern California and the colorful antics of all their friends and relations. It’s a novel about everyday folks with everyday thoughts and feelings and experiences, and how entertaining this seemingly bland material can actually be. It’s also about ideas—lots of them, mainly small ones. And it’s about our modern Internet-immersed world. And Southern California. And middle age.

    But above all else, REVOLUTION is simply a comedy—a fun, lighthearted read to be zipped through easily and merrily. So relax and enjoy the ride, and get ready to laugh. A lot. And along the way, you just might find some food for thought here and there. You also might find you’ve become intimately acquainted with several true-to-life, flesh-and-blood characters as they struggle to maneuver through the numerous ordinary yet ridiculous situations their wacky world constantly throws at them.

    For additional info, as well as jokes and nonsense and excerpts from the book:

    ©2022 David Dorrough (P)2024 David Dorrough

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