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  • Revision Handbook of Clinical Hematology

  • A Short and Comprehensive Summary Note and Reference Guide of Haematology
  • De : Olivia Smith
  • Lu par : Shania Lynn
  • Durée : 3 h et 58 min

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Revision Handbook of Clinical Hematology

De : Olivia Smith
Lu par : Shania Lynn
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    Congratulations on reaching this short, comprehensive, and focused revision note of Haematology. This is the perfect guide designed to get you all set for any exam or clinical rotation in Hematology.

    REVISION HANDBOOK OF CLINICAL HAEMATOLOGY is loaded with essential, high yield and clinically optimized information in all areas of Hematology ranging from Hemopoiesis to Anemias, Hemostasis, blood transfusion and Hematological malignancies with exhaustive discussion of all sub-topics under them.

    The book is carefully written in a friendly, easily comprehensible and logically sequential manner that enhances easy understanding.

    It simplifies the stepwise approach to accurate diagnosis of Hematological disorders, through history, examination and laboratory investigations.

    REVISION HANDBOOK OF CLINICAL HAEMATOLOGY is indeed an amazing revision and reference handbook for residents, primary health care physicians, house officers, medical students, nurses and other health care professionals involved in haematology practices.

    This wonderfully and professionally written short book from such a rich background is definitely worth it, kindly “look inside” and get it now.

    ©2022 Olivia Smith (P)2024 Olivia Smith

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