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Couverture de Revenge of the Tipping Point

Revenge of the Tipping Point

De : Malcolm Gladwell
Lu par : Malcolm Gladwell
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    Twenty-five years after the publication of his groundbreaking first book, Malcolm Gladwell returns with a brand new volume that reframes the lessons of The Tipping Point in a startling and revealing light

    Why in the late 1980s and early '90s did Los Angeles become the bank robbery capital of the world? What is the Magic Third and what does it have to do with racial equity? What do big cats and clusters of teen suicides have in common? These are just some of the questions Malcolm Gladwell addresses in this new work, which revisits the phenomenon of epidemics and examines the ways in which we have learned to tinker with and shape the spread of ideas, viruses, and trends-sometimes with great success, sometimes with disastrous consequences.

    Gladwell shows that-whether in neighbourhoods, schools, zoos, or conference rooms-today's epidemics are no longer singular occurrences, but turbocharged versions of their earlier counterparts and we are more tempted than ever to try and manipulate tipping points for their own ends. Yet these efforts often come at a cost, creating difficult tradeoffs and unexpected dilemmas . Above all we must recognise our responsibility - as individuals and as a society - to take tipping points seriously if we want to change the world for the better . With this thought-provoking new book , his most personal yet, Gladwell gives us the insights we need to meet these challenges in innovative ways .

    ©2024 Malcolm Gladwell (P)2024 Hachette Audio UK

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