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Couverture de Revenge


De : Filip Forsberg
Lu par : Mark Williams
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    They shot his brother. He'll hunt them down.

    Ex-Special forces Hugo Xavier is thrown into the fray when his twin brother is shot. As he hunts the assassin, he must confront a culprit with motives that extend beyond his brother to a deadlier conspiracy that could ravage the world. Hugo is thrown into an international conspiracy where nothing is as it seems, and he must use all means to survive.

    Who shot his brother and why?

    Fans of Mark Greaney, Jack Mars, Gregg Andrew Hurwitz, and Brad Taylor will love the Hugo Xavier thriller series.

    ★★★★★ “5.0 out of 5 stars—A total non-stop action thriller from beginning to end! From the opening, right through to the end, this is a total non-stop action thriller that would put most of the Bond films to shame!”—VINE VOICE REVIEW

    ©2020 Filip Forsberg (P)2024 FIlip Forsberg

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