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De : Dylan White
Lu par : Dylan White
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Love may die, but it can still come back to haunt you.

In book two of The Apparition Series, Sean wants to make everything as normal as possible for Jade after everything she's been through. But being in love with a ghost is anything but normal. The threat of Feeders has grown worse. Despite Sean's efforts to keep Jade safe, he might not be able to help her anymore. 

When Ray senses a dark spirit has descended on the house, he will do anything to dispel it. And that could mean eliminating Sean, as well. Now, as Sean tries to protect Jade from the dead, Jade must save Sean from the living....

Revenant is the young adult paranormal romance that will keep you on the edge of your seat as secrets are revealed and new dangers arise. Be sure to complete The Apparition Series with the other books:

Apparition (Book One)

Crossover (Book Three)

Scroll up and get Revenant today! 

You're still reading this? What are you waiting for? The Apparition Series is the young adult paranormal romance that isn't just for teen listeners. It's for anyone and everyone who's ever been in love - or in high school. And sometimes it's tough to tell which is harder.

©2011, 2013, 2021 Dylan White (P)2021 Dylan White
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